Clerk to Governors - Tracey Limbert - 

Our Governing Body

The Cliff Federation

Mrs S Cowell - Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors)

(Safeguarding Governor)

Contact our Chair of Governors - 


Mr G Turner - LEA Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)

 Mrs K Lakin - Executive Headteacher


Mr C Lower - Co-opted Governor


Mrs H Donaldson - Parent Governor


Mrs T Dean - SBM – Staff Governor


 Mrs J Moore - Co-opted Governor 


Vacancy - Parent Governor 


Our Governing Body

School governors play a significant role in the life of any school. Their responsibilities include

  • supporting the headteacher and other members of staff;
  • representing the views and interests of parents and children;
  • helping with the management of the school's finances
    monitoring the educational standards achieved by pupils.

Willoughton Primary School Governing Body - Information and Attendance Details for Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Willoughton Primary School Governing Body - Information and Attendance Details for Academic Year 2022 - 2023