Computing intent
The Cliff Federation (Hemswell Cliff Primary and Willoughton Primary Schools) Computing intent:
At The Cliff Federation, we want our children to master technology to enable them to become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology (ICT). With technology playing such a pivotal role in society today, we believe ‘Computational thinking’ is a skill children need to be taught if they are to be able to contribute and participate positively, effectively, and safely in this digital world.
It is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use information effectively.
Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be successful, confident, creative, and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this. We want our children to know that there is always a choice with using technology and we will model using ICT (including social media) safely – using safe and considered choices.
Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. At The Cliff Federation, pupils are introduced to a wide range of technology, from iPads and laptops to devices for recording images, video and sound, allowing them to continually practice and improve the skills they learn. This ensures they become digitally literate so that they can express themselves and develop their ideas across all areas of the curriculum through ICT at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.